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ELTE Alumni 2021 Online Contest




Sajnáljuk, ezek a tartalmak nem érhetők el Magyar alatt

We are inviting ELTE graduates of 2021 (students who graduate from ELTE in 2021) and ELTE alumni (students who graduated from ELTE in previous years) to participate in an online contest and celebrate their graduation.

How to participate in the contest:

  • STEP 1: Follow @elteinternational on Instagram
  • STEP 2: Post on Instagram:
    • Post in at least 3 of the categories listed below (the more categories you post in, the more chance you have of winning)
    • Make sure that your posts are public
    • Tag @elteinternational in your posts
    • Use the hashtag #elteinternationalalumni in your posts

Post on Instagram in at least three of the following categories:

  1. Favorite spot in Budapest / Szombathely / Hungary – What is your favorite spot in Budapest, Szombathely, or Hungary?
  2. Favorite spot on ELTE campus – What is your favorite spot on any of the ELTE campuses?
  3. Happened to me in Hungary – What was the funniest or most interesting thing that happened during your stay in Hungary?
  4. Best memory at ELTE – What is your most memorable experience at ELTE?
  5. My advice to new students at ELTE – What advice would you give to new international students at ELTE?
  6. What I like most in my culture – Do you have anything that you would like to share with fellow ELTE alumni or students about your culture?
  7. Cross-cultural differences – What was the biggest difference between your country and Hungary you noticed during your stay in Hungary?


Conditions of participation:

Only those alumni who meet all the requirements can participate.

  • You graduated or will graduate from ELTE in the academic year 2020/2021 OR you graduated from ELTE in previous years.
  • You follow @elteinternational on Instagram.
  • You are officially an ELTE alumni member and member of the International Alumni Chapter: This means that you have registered in the official ELTE online alumni system on and you have joined the International Alumni Chapter. 
  • You have posted in at least three categories.
  • You tagged @elteinternational in all your posts.
  • You used the hashtag #elteinternationalalumni in all your posts. 


The three participants who collect the most likes on their posts until 31 August 2021 will receive a prize.*

The first prize winner receives a Lenovo Tab 7 Essential tablet.

The second and third prize winners will receive ELTE gifts from the university.

The winners will be notified by @elteinternational in a private message on Instagram on 1 September 2021.

The winners have 30 days to claim their prize, after that, a new winner will be announced.

Winners can contact the International Strategy Office of ELTE after 1 September 2021 for information on how they can receive their prize.

Questions? Contact us at  



Megtekintéshez, vagy megjegyzés hozzáadásához kérjük, jelentkezzen be!

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