Meet ELTE in Madrid, Spain

Sajnáljuk, ezek a tartalmak nem érhetők el Magyar alatt

Dear ELTE Alumni,

We are glad to announce that in cooperation with the Embassy of Hungary Madrid, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) is organizing an ELTE Alumni Get Together event in Madrid, Spain on 08 April 2025.

We would like to use this opportunity to get in touch in the city with our ELTE alumni from the vicinity (former students who graduated at the university. All Spanish, International and Hungarian alumni are warmly invited, no matter the type of program you participated in.

Date: 08. April 2025. 18:00-20:00

Venue: Embassy of Hungary, C/ Fortuny 6, piso 4, 28010 Madrid

Please note that due to the venue's lack of space, only the first 20 registrant can attend!

Publikált: International Alumni Chapter
Jegy Értékesítés vége Megmaradt Ár
Fenntartva: Csatlakozott felhasználó

Embassy of Hungary, Madrid

C/ Fortuny 6, piso 4 28010 MADRID

Nincs jogosultsága a megtekintéshez, illetve megjegyzés írásához.Kérjük, jelentkezzen be.

Javasolt események




ELTE Sikerek Kerekasztal: Reng a Földünk

ELTE Aula Magna
