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Value #7 of CHARM-EU is Student-focused
Students are the core of the CHARM-EU initiative. It is made for them, and partially by them, with the constant involvement of a student body in the working groups of the alliance. The pedagogical model is made to offer them a brand new way of learning in order to face the upcoming challenges of society. Students are the future. If we want to build the university of the future, they are the answer!
316 megtekintéss
Value #7 of CHARM-EU is Student-focused
2020-08-29 10:28:44
2020-08-31 10:28:44
2020-08-31 10:27:03
Alumni International
Value #7 of CHARM-EU is Student-focused Students are the core of the CHARM-EU initiative. It is made for them, and partially by them, with the constant involvement of a student body in the working groups of the alliance. The pedagogical model is made to offer them a brand new way of learning in order to face the upcoming challenges of society. Students are the future. If we want to build the university of the future, they are the answer!
Nincs jogosultsága a megtekintéshez, illetve megjegyzés írásához.Kérjük, jelentkezzen be.
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