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Message from Rector László Borhy

General Information



Sajnáljuk, ezek a tartalmak nem érhetők el Magyar alatt


This day, 23 March 2020, marks the beginning of a new era in the life of our University. After the Rectorial Break announced out of necessity and an early Spring Break, education restarts at Eötvös Loránd University amongst previously unimaginable circumstances – just as at other higher education institutions. In the framework of seminars and lectures, as well as in all other fields of our work, instead of personal, direct contact, we reach out to students, teachers, and colleagues online. This is owing to the fact that, as on several other occasions in its almost 400-year-old history, our University has met an unexpected challenge. These days the whole world is facing the spread of the coronavirus epidemic.

I am proud to say that in just a few days, thanks to the exemplary collaboration of our colleagues, we have adapted our operation to the new situation. With a speed that might even be surprising to ourselves, due to a tremendous effort in the background, we have established the professional and technical conditions of distance learning and have transitioned our University to operate properly during the epidemic emergency. As confirmed by the heads of faculties, from today onwards,

our teachers are prepared to hold 7928 courses in an online form, and our students are ready to attend these classes.

That can, of course, hardly substitute for the lively everyday life at the University, the diversity of lectures requiring personal presence, seminars, laboratory and field work, and practices, as well as various reports, presentations, exams, comprehensive exams, workshop debates, public thesis defenses, and graduation ceremonies. However, I ask for your understanding, perseverance, and your usual active creativity.

The newly developed operation of the University serves one collective goal. This goal is for all University Citizens to do their share in full awareness of their liability of this enormous joint effort that helps slow down and stop the spread of the new coronavirus. I thank every Citizen of the University for making many sacrifices and for following and implementing the Government’s and University’s instructions in connection with the epidemiological emergency in a disciplined manner. While carrying out the measures taken during this period of emergency in an orderly fashion, we should be aware that this serves the safety of ourselves, our families – our parents and children –, as well as, in a wider sense, the safety of the University Community. During our work at home, let’s give our daily routine a makeover and perform our everyday tasks under the changed circumstances imperturbably.

Hold on to each other and stick together – that is what I wish for, for all of us, to help us get over the difficult period ahead.

Budapest, 23 March 2020

László Borhy
Rector of Eötvös Loránd University


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