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Lisz Ferenc Chamber Orchestra concert - for 2000 forints




Sajnáljuk, ezek a tartalmak nem érhetők el Magyar alatt

A special meeting of the Liszt Ferenc Chamber Orchestra with the dominant representative of Hungarian choral life, the Új Liszt Ferenc Chamber Choir, at the Academy of Music, an iconic venue of classical music. A unique experience with an Alumni Card discount - purchase a ticket for only 2000 forints!

Date: Friday, January 26, 2024, 7:30 p.m

Location: Academy of Music, Great Hall

Featuring: Liszt Ferenc Chamber Orchestra, New Liszt Ferenc Chamber Choir


Arvo Pärt: Mass in Berlin


C. P. E. Bach: Magnificat, Wq 215

'The two chamber ensembles have long been planning to strengthen their namesake relationship through artistic collaboration. Their joint concert will be held at the alma mater and eponymous institution of both formations, but this time the focus of the programs will not be on  Liszt Ferenc, but on the German capital, Berlin. In the first half of the concert, Arvo Pärt's famous masterpiece from the end of the 20th century, originally written for choir and organ, the Berlin Mass, will be performed in the author's version, performed jointly by the faculty and the chamber orchestra. In the second part, the second best-known member of the Bach family, Carl Philipp Emanuel,  the magnificent late baroque work, the Magnificat, will be heard wich was composed in Berlin in 1749.'

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The discount for the program can be applied ONLINE at by entering the discount coupon code. You can type it in after placing the tickets in the basket. When entering, eligibility for the discount can be checked on site, so please bring your Alumni Card with you.

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