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CENTRAL Network talked to Prof. Zsuzsa Hetényi about the future of Europe and relations between Ukraine, Russia, and Central Europe. Prof. Hetényi was part of the expert panel which discussed “War in Ukraine: a turning point for the relationship between Central Europe and Russia?” as part of the event on June 2.
Please click here to read the interview
267 megtekintéss
Interview with Zsuzsa Hetényi - The Future of Europe
2022-09-07 08:00:00
2022-09-08 08:40:06
2022-09-08 08:39:58
Alumni International
CENTRAL Network talked to Prof. Zsuzsa Hetényi about the future of Europe and relations between Ukraine, Russia, and Central Europe. Prof. Hetényi was part of the expert panel which discussed “War in Ukraine: a turning point for the relationship between Central Europe and Russia?” as part of the event on June 2.Please click here to read the interview
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