Congratulations to the Graduates – Winter Graduation Ceremony 2023
We congratulate all graduates and welcome all recent alumnus among ELTE Alumni! Between February 17 and April 21, 2023, five faculties held their winter graduation ceremony in person, and we once again surprised many of the graduates with gifts! We also want to thank our distinguished sponsor for this kind contribution.
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Once again, the graduates of ÁJK, Bárczi, BTK, IK and GTK were able to participate in the graduation ceremony offline. Graduates of the other faculties could receive their diplomas in person at the Student Administration Offices.
Within the framework of the university's opportunities and sponsorship support, we were able to provide a tangible gift - a gold-plated ELTE Alumni inscribed badge with the university coat of arms - along with the graduates' diplomas. Master's, undivided teacher training, vocational training and doctorate students, as well as graduates of faculties where a master's degree (TÓK) is not yet available, were also able to receive a gift.
Thanks to sponsorship, graduates of TTK received their gift, the pin on the postcard, while saving the university budget this year as well. We are thankful to our generous alumnus, dr. József Béres (TTK '77), who took advantage of the opportunities provided by the postcard to send a thoughtful message:
"You owe the world a responsibility with your talent and knowledge.
You are on the right path when you enrich your spiritual treasures with relentless diligence and use them for noble purposes for the benefit of humanity!"
Image source: ELTE GTK graduation ceremony
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