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Cherry Blossom Festival 2019

Általános Tudnivalók



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Live music, Japanese gastronomy, weapon exhibition and many other programs are awaiting visitors at the ELTE Botanical Garden during the annual Sakura Festival on the 6-7th and 13-14th of April, 2019.

The Japanese cherry (in Latin Prunus serrulata or Cerasus serrulata) from East Asia is still a national and cultural symbol of Japan. On the occasion of the Hanami (花 見, literal translation "flower looking"), the Japanese people are delighted by the cherry flowers in bloom. In Japan the cherry blossom starts at the end of March and lasts until the beginning of May, but each tree blossoms only for a short period, as usually there is only one week between the first flower shows up (kaika) until the whole tree is in bloom (mankai). Hanami is a picnic-like event, could be held day and night, and in the latter case it is called jozakura (夜 桜, "cherry trees at night"). Recently, older people prefer plum blossoms, as most of the visitors of the cherry blossom are from the younger generation, and the silent contemplation is rather replaced by the noisier celebration.

In these two days in the Botanical Garden there will be a manga-drawing, live Japanese music, gastronomic show (must be registered in advance), exhibition of traditional Japanese weapons and tools, and we can participate in rapid language lessons. 

Ticket prices are as usual on both days.

Find detailed program here.

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