2020 Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Education and Psychology
Sajnáljuk, ezek a tartalmak nem érhetők el Magyar alatt
Even if the usual graduation ceremony did not take place, we can still celebrate and watch the 2020 Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Education and Psychology!
Congratulations to all!
Watch the Graduation Ceremony by clicking here.
389 megtekintéss
2020 Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Education and Psychology
2020-07-13 09:46:41
2020-07-15 09:46:41
2020-07-15 08:51:44
Alumni International
Even if the usual graduation ceremony did not take place, we can still celebrate and watch the 2020 Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Education and Psychology!Congratulations to all!Watch the Graduation Ceremony by clicking here.
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