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ICAReAlumni: Presentation of ELTE Alumni at International Conference




On behalf of Eövös Loránd University Csilla Pataky Head of Alumni Relations and Development gave a presentation at ICAReAlumni 2024 International Conference about Alumni endeavors and development methods on 13 June 2024 in Prague.

ICAReAlumni is an international community of practitioners and researchers. It is organized annually since 2016 and participants come from more than 30 countries of Europe, South America and Asia. The conference provides a platform for sharing best methods and trends that proved to be effective tools in the alumni advancement. Besides it is an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas with leaders and colleagues of great many universities.

In her presentation entitled „Internal Collaboration for more congruent activities, coherent campaigns” Csilla Pataky focused on the main aspects of internal relations development aiming the higher effeciency in Alumni advancement. At the end of the sessions she participated in a moderated discussion along with other presenters of the same session.
The yearly events take place at European universities - this year in Prague, last year in Porto.

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