Between five and six thousand students graduate from Eötvös Loránd University every year. There may be hundreds of thousands who received bachelors’, masters’ or doctoral degrees from ELTE or from predecessor institutes. The ELTE Alumni Organization, which was established in 2007 by the Senate of the University and started functioning in 2008, wants to offer a special opportunity to this virtual community: get in touch with each other and the University. In addition to various services, the organization also would like to facilitate professional networking and to assist the members of the ELTE Alumni Organization in their ongoing careers.
ELTE Alumni Organization includes ELTE Alumni registered members and honorary members; ELTE Alumni Centre and its colleagues; the ELTE Alumni Chapters and their representatives; the ELTE Alumni Committee and its members; the ELTE Alumni Council (including ELTE Alumni Board) and its members; ELTE Alumni volunteers.
- graduated students of each Faculty of the University and/or its predecessors.
- other persons, like e.g. international students (also within the frame of international mobility programs) – applicable rules are laid down by ELTE Alumni Regulations.
The ELTE Alumni Organization can contact these people, if they their data for this purpose during registration at the ELTE Alumni Portal, thereby contributing to the management of their data and its use for ELTE Alumni purposes.
Further details on membership are provided in the ELTE Alumni Concept and the ELTE Alumni Regulations. Registered members of ELTE may remain registered prior to these Rules being enacted.
Register now!
You can apply by an online registration on the website
See terms of use under the "About" menu.