Researchers' Night_ELTE PPK

Izabella utca and Kazinczy utca
Izabella utca and Kazinczy utca BUDAPEST

See map

Visible link for participants
The registration deadline has expired.


Dear All,

Researchers' night is nearly here this year as well, it takes place on

24 September 2021.

We have some programmes in English and online as well, please, check out the topics and look for the registration links on our facebook page.

You are the most welcome on the onsite programmes too, if you are here in Hungary. (I could only choose one option when setting the event, but come to the onsite programme if you are here).

Please, pass the invitation to your former classmates in your fb groups, and encourage them to register here and join our alumni group. :)

Let's stay connected!



Izabella utca and Kazinczy utca BUDAPEST

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