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Major Financial Crises: A Historical Perspective




At the invitation of ELTE Business History Research Group, Youssef Cassis, Professor Emeritus at the European University Institute in Florence, will give a lecture at the Eötvös Loránd University.

Prof. Youssef Cassis is the author of several successful books on the history of economics, banking and entrepreneurship (City bankers, 1890-1914, 1994; Big Business: The European Experience in the Twentieth Century, 1999; Capitals of Capital: The Rise and Fall of International Financial Centres 1780-2009, 2006; Crises and Opportunities: The Shaping of Modern Finance, 2010), and some of his edited volumes have also been published in Hungarian (International Financial Centres after the Global Financial Crisis and Brexit, with Dariusz Wójcik, 2019; Financial Elites and European Banking. Historical overviews, with Guiseppe Telesca, 2020).

Title of the lecture: Major Financial Crises: A Historical Perspective

Date: 14 November 2024 16:00
Venue: ELTE BTK Institute of History, Gyula Szekfű Library (1088 Budapest, Múzeum körút 6–8. I. em. 115.)


  • Richard Grossman, ‘Banking Crises’, in Youssef Cassis, Richard Grossman and Catherine Schenk (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Banking and Financial History, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. 439-460.
  • Youssef Cassis, Harold James and Adam Tooze, ‘The crisis ten years after: a round table discussion’, Passato e Presente, 108, 2019 (settembre-dicembre), pp. 19-54.


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