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Nomenclature of Juris Doctors


Egyetemi Könyvtár és Levéltár Alumni Tagozat




Founded in 1667, the Faculty of Law (now the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of ELTE) started to keep its personal register (Status personalis inclitae Facultatis Iuridicae ab anno 1777) after the university was taken over by the state in 1777.

The volume, known as the Liber Aureus, or Golden Book, because of its gilt-edged pages, recorded the names of the faculty directors, the rectors of the Faculty of Law, the deans, the professors and the holders of doctorates awarded by the faculty. The first volume contains data up to 1882 and the second volume up to 1886. Between 1778 and 1886, 2537 students obtained a doctorate at the Faculty. The index contains data on these students. The first column gives the name of the student  (in Latin, later in Hungarian from 1882), the second column gives the date of the doctorate, the third column gives the type of doctorate (Doctor of Law, Doctor of Civil Law, Doctor of State, Doctor of Canon Law), the fourth column gives the archival reference, the fifth column gives the volume number of the Liber Aureus, and the sixth column gives the corresponding page number.

The index is available:


Source/author of illustration: ELTE University Library and Archives

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