Mathematics Expert in Data Analytics and Machine Learning
Would you like be among the winners of the socio-economic transformations generated by artificial intelligence? Apply for the training Mathematics Expert in Data Analytics and Machine Learning offered by Eötvös Loránd University!
You can make the most of the possibilities provided by artificial intelligence if you well understand and are able to use and shape AI technologies. This training at the Institute of Mathematics of Eötvös Loránd University will help you not only to master the existing artificial intelligence technologies available now, but also to have the necessary knowledge and skills to accommodate the artificial intelligence technologies that will be created in the next decade. The focus of the training is machine learning, including its techniques and solutions from the fields of statistics and deep learning as well as data science and big data.
The training responds to the growing demand of professionals in the market for experts in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Be one of them, apply to ELTE! The deadline for application is August 27, 2021.
Details of the training and application can be read here:

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