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ELTE's Disability Center




The University's Disability Center is responsible for providing direct and indirect services to any ELTE citizen, including the international students and staff.

The aim of the center is to ensure equal opportunity, accessibility and offer support to domestic and international students/teachers and staff across the University who have a disability or chronical illness which impacts their ability to participate fully in university life. The university is committed to supporting students with disabilities and follows the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability. The regulations have been outlined in key policy documents of the University.

Any international students with a disability should register via a faculty disability coordinator -

A Recommended Reasonable Adjustments (RRA) report will be written by the university disability coordinator detailing your disability, its effects upon your academic performance and recommended support.

Please, contact the university disability coordinator via e-mail if you need more information or any services prior to your arrival: and have an appointment with the disability coordinator of your faculty as soon as possible. Make sure you have appropriate medical/psychological/special educational diagnostic evidence of your disability in English and bring it with you to your first appointment. 

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