On 7 March 2020, the ELTE Jessup Team won the European Friendly Competition again. The competition held in Prague was attended by nineteen teams. The ELTE Jessup team defeated the team of the University of Auckland in the quarter-final, and they clearly got the better of the team of the University of Helsinki in the final round.
The team of Patrik Boa, Luca Farkas, Marcell Koncsik, and Kálmán Varga is the first team in the history of the competition to succeed in defending their title. The balanced strength of the team is well demonstrated by the fact that all four agents finished in the top ten.
Zolta Buda received the Best Judge Award in the competition. The Hungarian team was not once scored by a Hungarian judge out of eighteen judges in the six rounds.
This year, the members of the team were prepared by Gábor Kajtár, assistant professor, and Barbara Bazánth, PhD candidate, junior associate.
The team was sponsored by Dentons Réczicza Ügyvédi Iroda, Hegymegi-Barakonyi és Társa Baker & McKenzie Ügyvédi Iroda, Lengyel Allen & Overy Ügyvédi Iroda, Bittera, Kohlrusz & Tóth Ügyvédi Iroda, Nagy és Trócsányi Ügyvédi Iroda, Oppenheim Ügyvédi Iroda, DLA Piper Posztl, Nemescsói, Györfi-Tóth and Partners, the Hungarian Ministry of Justice, and the Ignác Frank Foundation.

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