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ELTE is the best Hungarian university in seven fields




ELTE is the best Hungarian university in seven fields

ELTE won six absolute and one shared first place in the Academic Ranking of World Universities published on October 27. 

The Academic Rankings of World Universities (ARWU) 2023 filed ranking has been published, in which the organization ranks in five broad scientific fields (inanimate natural sciences, engineering sciences, life sciences, medicine and social sciences). Within these, it examined the world's 5,000 higher education institutions in 55 narrower fields.

This year, Eötvös Loránd University is listed in a total of 8 out of the 55 specialized fields. In six of these (physics, biology, psychology, education, political science, communication) it is the best educational institution in Hungary, and in mathematics it shares first place with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. ELTE is the only Hungarian contender in the ranking in the fields of psychology, educational science, political science and communication, and its communication training is new in the list of the best in the world.

The global edition of the ranking began to be published in 2003 by Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, and the survey has been prepared by an independent organization, ShanghaiRanking, since 2009. Separate specialty lists have been published since 2017 based on the number of quality (Q1) scientific publications, the number of citations, the proportion of publications published jointly with a foreign co-author, the number of publications published in leading journals or presented at special conferences, and the number of researchers recognized with significant awards. You can read more about the survey methodology on this page in English.

The results of the 2023 specialization ranking can be browsed by specialization and country on the ARWU website.



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