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ELTE Alumni Graduation Game on Instagram

Calls for alumni



ELTE Alumni would like to bring the site of the ELTE Alumni community to the attention of the students graduating now by organizing a game!

To take part in the graduation game, you only have to

  • follow ELTE Alumni on Instagram
  • upload a picture of your graduation ceremony and use the hashtag #eltealumni
  • register to the website

The three uploaders who collected the most likes until March 15, 2020 will receive a gift!

The winners will be notified through private message on Instagram

If you are already registered, your gift will be sent by the post but you can also take it in person in the ELTE Alumni Centre.

Employees of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), people organizing the event, close relatives of those people according to Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code Section 8:1, Subsection (1), 1. are not allowed to take part in the game.


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