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ELTE Alumni Graduation Game on Instagram, 2023 winter

Calls for alumni



With a game, the ELTE Alumni Center would like to bring the page of the ELTE Alumni community to the attention of the students graduating this year, which is why we are announcing a graduation game once again!

To participate in the graduation game, you will need to:

  • upload to Instagram a picture of you and your diploma using the hashtag #eltealumni!
  • Make your profile public during the game so we can see the picture you uploaded.


  • Plus 50 virtual likes if you register on
  • Plus 100 virtual likes if you join the International Alumni Chapter.

Those three participants who receive the most likes will get a gift!*

The winners will be notified through private message on Instagram until 1th May 2023!

Your gift will be sent by post (if you fill your adddress during registration).

Employees of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), people organizing the event, close relatives of people according to Act V of 2013 in the Civil Code Section 8:1, Subsection (1), 1. are not allowed to participate in the game.


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