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ELTE Alumni around the world - photo contest

Calls for alumni



Are you proud of your ELTE background wherever you are in the world? Did you know that there are hundreds of ELTE students in many countries around the world? The ELTE Alumni Center and ELTE Shop invite recent graduates and all alumni of ELTE to participate in their online photo contest and share their summer photos from as many places as they can. 

The ELTE Alumni Center and ELTE Shop are collaborating to launch the "ELTE Alumni around the world" photo contest, which invites participants to submit their summer photos taken anywhere in the world (in Hungary and abroad), featuring the applicant with ELTE or ELTE Alumni products (pin, T-shirt, mug, badge, etc.) or the Alumni logo*.

Deadline for submitting pictures: 01.09.2021 - 15.10.2021.

Time frame for collecting votes: 16.10.2021 - 29.10.2021.

How can you participate in the game? Follow these three simple steps!

  • Step 1: Sign in on! (If you haven't registered yet, you can do so here.)
  • Step 2: Join the "ELTE Alumni a világ körül” (ELTE Alumni around the world) group!
  • Step 3: Upload a picture of yourself taken during the summer to the Fotótár (photo library) of this group (by clicking on the Add Media button to create a new photo album), using the conditions detailed below, and indicate where and when the picture was taken.

Other conditions of the contest:

  • The applicant posts a summer photo(s) of himself/herself in the "ELTE Alumni a világ körül” (ELTE Alumni around the world) group, accompanied by an ELTE or ELTE Alumni inscribed object (pin, T-shirt, mug, badge, etc.) or the Alumni logo*. He/she will also indicate the place and time the picture was taken.
  • You agree that the ELTE Alumni Centre may publish the picture submitted in the contest on its website and social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and use it in other marketing materials. The submitted pictures will be published on our Facebook page in a photo album created for this purpose, after the submission deadline. We are going to count the likes under these photos - the 'original' photos - until 29 October 2021.
  • Participants can submit more than one picture.

Winners - prizes:

The three participants who have the most likes under their photo posted on our Facebook page by the end of the contest (midnight 29 October 2021) will win a prize.

  • The first place prize will be the following: 1 embroidered T-shirt with the university crest and 1 ELTE Alumni gift pack; 1 white T-shirt with the new university logo and 1 ELTE crest mug courtesy of the ELTE Shop.
  • The second and third place prize: 1-1 ELTE Alumni gift pack; and 1-1 white T-shirt with the new university logo and 1-1 ELTE crest mug, courtesy of the ELTE Shop.

The winners will be notified by the ELTE Alumni Center by 5 November 2021 through the email address they provided at the time of registration. The winners will have 15 days to claim their prize. After 15 days a new winner will be announced. The first three winners can contact the ELTE Alumni Center to arrange how to collect their prize.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Data protection! We will only indicate the initials of the applicants and the place where the picture was taken (city or country) under the pictures uploaded to the photo album of our Facebook page; furthermore, the pictures will be deleted from this platform within 30 days after the notification of the winners (5 November 2021).



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