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ELTE wins Superbrands Award again 11.06.2019.




In 2019, ELTE preserves its strong position among the best Hungarian brands combining high-level professionalism and authentic appearance. This prestigious award urges the university to carry on its value-creating work and further enhance its high reputation. 

In 2004, Hungary joined in the international Superbrands programme. Today, this is not only a point of reference for marketing and communication specialists, but has also become a publicly known recognition of high quality that is offered to the most outstanding consumer and business brands.

Every year, the investigators of Superbrands carry out a comprehensive research among the best brands in Hungary. Using a variety of sources (trademark databases, professional association reports), they have created a continuously maintained database of brands. The brands in their database are filtered on the basis of professional considerations and various qualification measurements.

The winners of the prize are finally selected by an independent professional committee:

the decision-makers consider the tradition, history, market activity, and reputation of the brands, as well as the goodwill, ethical judgment, public awareness, innovation, brand strategy, and branding practice of the companies.

In line with the decision of the committee, the Eötvös Loránd University is entitled to hold the Superbrands trademark in 2019. This is the seventh time that our university has received this prize as a recognition of its activities. This year – similarly to 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, and 2018 – ELTE has again proved to be better than its competitors. The prize is a positive feedback about the high professional quality and effectiveness of work at ELTE, as well as the transparency, authenticity, and public relations of the institution. At the same time, this also provides encouragement and motivation to the university to carry on its value-creating work and further strengthen its fine reputation.

The Superbrands programme was created by an independent organisation called Brand Council in the UK, in 1995. They gathered the best consumer brands on the market. In Hungary, the trademark has been recognising outstanding brand quality and branding work for 15 years now, facilitating thus consumer decision making in market competition. 


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